
2024 at KCPS

Year level email addresses:

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6

PYP – Primary Years Programme


Kororoit Creek Primary School is a fully authorized IB World School, Primary Years Programme (PYP). The School uses the PYP framework in conjunction with the Victorian Curriculum to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

IB Learners strive to be:

Inquirers: They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable: They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understandings across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Thinkers: They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators: They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled: They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Open-minded: They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of views and are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring: They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

Risk-takers: They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Balanced: They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.

Reflective: They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.

In the context of the Primary Years Program, our school is considered to be a community of learners working through the essential elements – knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action to experience authentic learning and make an impact on the world.

We believe children learn best from a constructivist approach. It is acknowledged that learners have beliefs about how the world works based on their experiences and prior knowledge. These beliefs, models or constructs are revisited and revised in the light of new experiences and further learning. The students strive to make meaning about their lives and the world around them by constructing, testing and confirming or revising their personal models of how the world works. Students are given the opportunity to explore fifty units of inquiry from 4-year-old Kindergarten to Year 6, covering a variety of disciplines and a multitude of world issues. This is achieved through a process of inquiry which in its broadest sense, is the process initiated by the students or the teacher that moves the students from their current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding. This can mean:

  • Exploring, wondering and questioning
  • Experimenting and playing with possibilities
  • Making connections between previous learning and current learning
  • Making predictions and acting purposefully to see what happens
  • Collecting data and reporting findings
  • Clarifying existing ideas and reappraising perceptions of events
  • Deepening understanding through the application of a concept
  • Making and testing theories
  • Researching and seeking information
  • Taking and defending a position
  • Solving problems in a variety of ways

Our students learn within an inquiry cycle that begins by connecting children’s experiences first. Our inquiry cycle invites uncertainty and reaches beyond gathering information about a topic or idea. We move our children to go beyond gathering information to seeking an explanation and asking why this big idea is important. This tension and natural inquisitiveness helps to develop a broad and conceptual understanding which is nurtured by guided, collaborative and independent inquiry.

We encourage responsible action initiated by the students as a result of their learning. This action may extend the students’ learning, or it may have a wider social impact beyond the school. Both inquiry and action will look different within each age range and from one age range to the next. (adapted from Making the PYP Happen, 2009)

Science (STEAM)

Kororoit Creek Primary School is devoted to the application and teaching of the science curriculum. Our science program at the school is supported by our STEAM room which is accessible to all students from Prep to Year 6. We use the acronym STEAM to ensure we are focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Where possible we ensure that students understand that these areas of science are all interrelated and work together.

The STEAM program runs alongside our program of inquiry. Each year level at the school will have the opportunity to work around STEAM based concepts through the lens of our units of inquiry. Some of these experiences may include using different solutions to create reactions, working with beakers and test tubes, understanding how to conduct scientific research and understanding how to hypothesize and then test a hypothesis.

Our STEAM program also offers students the opportunity to manage and plan investigations through Design and Technologies. This area of the curriculum allows students to plan and manage different projects from conception to realization. Through the Design and Technologies curriculum students apply designs, system thinking, investigate, generate and refine ideas. They refine these ideas to plan and manage the production of designs and evaluate their outcomes.

Running alongside our STEAM based units we have a number of opportunities for students to engage in science throughout the school. This includes our week long Science week investigations where students engage in science for the whole week based around a central theme. We also have STEAM night which is a fantastic opportunity for parents and students to visit the school on a specific night of the year and engage in a number of learning experiences around STEAM.



Literacy at Kororoit Creek Primary School

The development of Language helps to create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens. At Kororoit Creek Primary School we place a strong emphasis on developing literacy skills through meaningful contexts. The school develops a program of inquiry in line with the requirements of the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Program to provide an authentic context for students to develop and use language. Alongside the IB Primary Years Programme our Literacy program is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum, which provides a comprehensive set of prescribed content and common achievement standards across Victoria, and is used to plan for student learning, assess student progress and report to parents.

The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Teaching and learning programs balance and integrate all three strands. Together the three strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in Reading and Viewing, Speaking and Listening and Writing.

Kororoit Creek Primary School has robust structures in place to ensure that student learning needs drive the Literacy curriculum and learning. Teachers systematically and consistently collect and analyse data in light of student performance and intentionally plan learning experiences in response to student needs in order to ensure growth and progress.

With explicit and needs based coaching and ongoing professional learning, teachers keep up to date with researched best practice to ensure high levels of teacher capacity and student learning.

Reading and Viewing

Read and Viewing involves students using skills and strategies to access and interpret spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts. It provides opportunities for students to navigate, read and view texts using applied topic knowledge, vocabulary, word and visual knowledge. Students are exposed to a variety of texts including traditional oral texts, picture books, various types of print and digital stories, poetry, non-fiction, film, multimodal texts and dramatic performances. Students work towards developing their skills in acquiring and applying an expanding vocabulary to read increasingly complex texts with fluency and comprehension.

Some of the ways in which we actively engage our children in reading are through:

  • robust classroom libraries filled with engaging texts catered to student interests and needs
  • an independent reading program that encourages reading for enjoyment, builds reading stamina and ensures students can self-monitor their own reading
  • multiple exposures to quality texts to stimulate learning
  • unlimited access to the school library
  • teaching readers, not just reading


This element involves expressive language and engages students in composing different types of texts for a range of purposes. These texts include spoken, written, visual and multimodal texts and students explore, communicate and analyse information, ideas and issues that are relevant to their own learning journey. Students create a range of texts using a variety of structures including writing to narrate, writing to persuade, writing to inform, writing to describe, writing to instruct, writing to explain, writing to recount and writing to transact. Throughout the Writing curriculum students build on their knowledge of grammar and how language is constructed. Students also develop their spelling skills through rich inquiries into the English language and by making generalisations using the knowledge gained. These generalisations are made using visual strategies, knowledge of morphemic word families, syntax and semantics as well as morpho-phonemic language traits (morphology, phonology, orthography, etymology) and letter combinations (blends, diagraphs, trigraphs).

Students become familiar with the ‘Writing Process’ that involves them in planning, drafting, editing, revising and publishing their writing pieces.

Some of the strategies that we use to develop our children as authors include-

  • tracking students’ progress on school based tracking sheets
  • exposing children to high quality literature
  • making the explicit connection between reading and writing
  • using a Thinker’s Journal as a tool for developing writing
  • analysing quality texts to explore the author’s craft
  • teaching writers, not just writing

Speaking and Listening

Students are involved in using interactive skills, including active listening behaviours and communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume. Students engage in conversations and discussions, showing interest, building attentive listening skills and contributing ideas, information and questions.

We develop our students in terms of listening and speaking through:

  • providing multiple opportunities to experience language
  • modelling language and vocabulary accurately to our children
  • providing opportunities for students to communicate with real and varying audiences (sometimes as the speaker, and others as the listener)

At Kororoit Creek Primary School our Literacy Program aims to:

  • Provide a comprehensive literacy program that encompasses all modes of English (Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening).
  • Provide a transdisciplinary program designed to foster the development of the whole child.
  • Challenge and extend all students to develop their literacy skills and reach their own potential
  • Provide a personal learning journey for every student. Through the implementation of our Developmental Literacy Continuum, students are able to set and reflect on individual learning goals within a differentiated curriculum.
  • Provide meaningful and authentic contexts for language development and experience
  • Provide each student with a range of appropriate experiences to enhance their literacy skills in all components of English learning.
  • Promote confidence and develop every child’s proficiency in language learning
  • Build on students’ prior learning to create and develop new understandings
  • Provide a wide range of authentic and relevant resources and books including classroom libraries and whole school library resources.
  • Expose all students to a range of multimedia texts and opportunities.
  • Promote thinking, collaboration, reflection and co-operation through all learning opportunities.
  • Support our students to become confident authors, readers and publishers in the 21st Century

Our Literacy Program provides extra support through:

  • Providing a Levelled Literacy Intervention Program for students in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
  • Implementing Individual Learning Plans where necessary to support students to reach their full potential
  • Encouraging parents to be actively involved in their child’s education through providing help and assistance in classrooms

Students at Kororoit Creek Primary School have opportunities to work individually and in groups, ensuring that the needs of each learner are met and that they are making continual progress as measured through ongoing assessment and tracking using student continuums. Staff at our school work diligently to differentiate the literacy curriculum to ensure that all students are developing their knowledge and understandings in Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening and we look to encourage the 21st Century Learning Skills that our students will require in an increasingly global and digital society.


Kororoit Creek Primary School’s aim is to develop confident and competent mathematicians. We focus on delivering the Victorian Curriculum through a transdisciplinary approach, where students’ thinking is provoked and they are prompted to apply their learning in a range of contexts. Through this approach, students develop their proficiency in the key areas of mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving.   

Our lessons are delivered through two instructional approaches:

  • The workshop model where students are explicitly taught key skills and concepts and have the opportunity to practice and become fluent in their application of these skills.
  • The problem solving model, where students practise applying their knowledge and skills to real life contexts through rich, authentic and challenging tasks. Our students are taught a range of problem solving strategies and have access to a wide variety of manipulatives and resources when engaging in maths lessons.

At Kororoit Creek Primary School, we aim to embed a transdisciplinary approach to all learning. Within our numeracy programme we focus on building our learners capabilities through positive dispositions including the Learner Profile Attributes. These dispositions and habits are then transferred to all aspects of a child’s learning.

All lessons are differentiated to suit the needs of our students through a range of high impact teaching strategies. Our staff enrich mathematics lessons with enabling and extending prompts and questions to support our students and target their teaching. Staff and students also engage in small group collaborative discussions and 1:1 conferences where independent learning goals are set and reflected upon.

Students at Kororoit Creek Primary School work individually and in groups, ensuring that the needs of each learner are met. Staff work diligently to ensure students are making continual progress, measured through ongoing assessment and tracking on continuums. Our aim is to develop mathematicians who apply their mathematical skills, knowledge and dispositions throughout their entire life.

Figure 1 – How children learn mathematics Source: Primary Years Programme – Mathematics Scope and Sequence (2009)

Within our local context, mathematics in the Victorian Curriculum falls within three content strands that describe what is to be taught and learnt:

Number and Algebra

Number and Algebra are developed together, as each enriches the study of the other. Students apply number sense and strategies for counting and representing numbers. They explore the magnitude and properties of numbers. They apply a range of strategies for computation and understand the connections between operations. They recognise patterns and understand the concepts of variable and function. They build on their understanding of the number system to describe relationships and formulate generalisations. They recognise equivalence and solve equations and inequalities. They apply their number and algebra skills to conduct investigations, solve problems and communicate their reasoning.

Measurement and Geometry

Measurement and Geometry are presented together to emphasise their relationship to each other, enhancing their practical relevance. Students develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of size, shape, relative position and movement of two-dimensional figures in the plane and three-dimensional objects in space. They investigate properties and apply their understanding of them to define, compare and construct figures and objects. They learn to develop geometric arguments. They make meaningful measurements of quantities, choosing appropriate metric units of measurement. They build an understanding of the connections between units and calculate derived measures such as area, speed and density.

Statistics and Probability

Statistics and Probability initially develop in parallel and the curriculum then progressively builds the links between them. Students recognise and analyse data and draw inferences. They represent, summarise and interpret data and undertake purposeful investigations involving the collection and interpretation of data. They assess likelihood and assign probabilities using experimental and theoretical approaches. They develop an increasingly sophisticated ability to critically evaluate chance and data concepts and make reasoned judgments and decisions, as well as building skills to critically evaluate statistical information and develop intuitions about data.


Students at Kororoit Creek Primary School work individually and in groups, ensuring that the needs of each learner are met. A targeted intervention program provides additional opportunities for students to further develop or extend their mathematical knowledge and skill development. Staff at our school work diligently to ensure students are making continual progress, measured through ongoing assessment and tracking on continuums. Teaching and learning is differentiated across the mathematics curriculum to ensure that our students are developing their proficiency in the key areas of mathematical understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning; and look to encourage the 21st Century Learning skills that our students will require in an increasingly global society.


Accredited eSmart School

eSmart is a framework for schools to implement a whole-school culture and behaviour change relevant to the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies. The eSmart program offers whole school and community support to ensure everyone can embrace the benefits of technology and reduce exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyber bullying, identity theft, online predators and inappropriate images and content.

The program is funded by the Victorian Government, and is an initiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity committed to protecting children from violence. Registration as an eSmart School provides us with assurance that we are accessing evidence-informed practice, policies and activities.

Kororoit Creek Primary School became an official eSmart school in 2015 after implementing many initiatives, programs, policies and practices. Since we first registered with the program, we have embedded cybersafe practices into our curriculum, created an eSmart Committee, held cyber safety student days and cyber safety parent sessions. We are striving to create a safe and welcoming cyber environment for all of the Kororoit Creek Primary School community.

We encourage everyone in the school community to continue to uphold and promote eSmart behaviours, at school and at home by becoming familiar with the use of technologies and the policies and practices within our school. For more information, please visit the eSmart website.

KCPS Digital Learning Policy & Acceptable Use Agreement

The Digital Learning Policy and Acceptable Use Agreement relates to the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at Kororoit Creek Primary School.

1:1 iPad Program

Kororoit Creek Primary School has worked hard to establish a 1:1 iPad Program for all Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students. The program is funded by the school, making it within reach for all families. The program aims to;

  • Connect to all units of study including French and Specialist
  • Be used at home and school within digital classroom spaces
  • Help ‘homework’ to become collaborative and timely
  • Encourage students appreciating that iPads can be used for multiple purposes
  • Promote parent participation and learning
  • Maintaining personal and professional learning for staff across the school
  • Developing appropriate self regulation of devices by students


The main goal of the music program is to provide students with the skills and understandings to communicate in ways that go beyond their oral language abilities. The music program is in line with the Victorian Curriculum and the PYP Framework. Each year, students participate in three units of inquiry as well as a yearlong instrumental instruction. We focus on developing balanced and globally aware musicians by researching, creating and making musical pieces, and exploring and responding to various stimuli.

The music program offers extracurricular activities and events for students to take part in such as:

  • Jazz band
  • Graduation band
  • Annual End of Year Celebration Concert
  • Performances within our school community

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Culture: Identity is expressed through culture
Students explore different reasons for music within different cultures, including how the stories within music give meaning and purpose to cultures from around the world.
Imagination: Imagination inspires creation
They explore different ways to imaginatively respond to music such as drawing the music they hear.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Students also analyse effective performances and develop performance routines and skills in preparation for performances during Term 4.
Prep instrument focuses on developing student’s musical literacy skills on tuned and untuned percussion instruments. Students learn to read, write and play rhythms and melodies.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Culture: Cultures express themselves in diverse ways
Students rehearse, perform and analyse songs from a variety of cultures with a focus on developing an understanding of the musical elements of tempo and dynamics.
Imagination: Imagination inspires creation
Students use their imagination to explore how they respond to music and create their own piece of music to various stimuli.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students begin developing their ability to read and play songs using chord and song charts written for the ukulele. Students develop their repertoire skills by playing songs as a whole class.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Songs and Repertoire: Repertoire demonstrates knowledge
Using their knowledge and skills in music, students learn to build a repertoire of songs and perform them on the ukulele.
Imagination: Imagination inspires creation
Students use their imagination to explore how they respond to music and create their own piece of music to various stimuli accompanied with a graphic score.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students continue developing their ability to read and play songs using chord and song charts written for the ukulele. Students develop their repertoire skills by playing songs as a whole class, small groups and independently.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Songs and Repertoire: Repertoire demonstrates knowledge
Using their knowledge and skills in music, students learn to build a repertoire of songs and perform them on the ukulele.
Imagination: Innovation expands creativity
Students use their imagination to explore how they respond to music and create their own piece of music to various stimuli accompanied with a graphic score.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students continue developing their ability to read and play a wide range of songs using chord and song charts written for the ukulele. Students begin reading and playing melodies on ukulele using tablature notation. Students develop their repertoire skills by playing songs as a whole class, small groups and independently.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Songs and Repertoire: Repertoire demonstrates knowledge
Using their knowledge and skills in music, students learn to build a repertoire of songs and perform them on the guitar within the whole class and small group settings.
Imagination: Innovation expands creativity
Students explore the music used within film with a focus on foley sounds and soundtracks. They use this knowledge to create their own film score and soundscapes to a film stimulus.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students begin developing their ability to read and play songs using chord and song charts written for the guitar. Students begin reading and playing melodies on guitar using tablature notation. Students develop their repertoire skills by playing songs as a whole class, small groups and independently.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Ensemble: Collaboration builds community
Students form small ensemble groups in which they explore two part playing, there is a focus on collaboration and leadership within groups.
Styles: Circumstance influences choice
Students analyse the elements of music used within different genres and use this information to compose their own music using digital technology
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students continue reading and playing melodies on guitar using tablature notation increasing the length and complexity of pieces they play. Students begin reading more formally written music including standard notation and experiment with the elements of music and stylistic techniques to build expression within their playing.

Students partake in three units of inquiry during the year as well as ongoing instrumental instruction, the three units explore the following central ideas:

Ensemble: Collaboration builds community
Students form a whole class band in which they explore playing collaboratively on their chosen instrument, there is a focus on independence, leadership and building mastery within their group roles.
Traditional vs Contemporary: Flexibility extends creativity
Students explore different innovative compositional and notational methods with a focus on defining the difference between music and sound, they create their own compositions that challenge the listeners perception of what music can be.
Communication: Performance displays mastery
Analysing effective performances will lead to performance routines and skill development in preparation for performances during Term Four.

Students choose an instrument to focus on for the year and are assigned a role within the class band. There is a focus developing skills required to play music with others in preparation for opportunities that will arise in high school. Students continue reading more formally written music including standard notation and experiment with the elements of music and stylistic techniques to build expression within their playing.

Visual Arts


This year the Visual Arts Programme will emphasise developing skills that can be transferred across all art learning experiences.

Throughout the art programme, there is a focus on the Victorian Curriculum with the dimensions of Explore and Express Ideas, Visual Arts Practices, Present and Perform and Respond and Interpret to various stimuli. The goal of the programme is to give students authentic opportunities to develop confidence in areas such as:

  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Expressing themselves
  • Visual communication
  • An appreciation and understanding of the arts
  • A commitment to projects
  • Technical skills and processes
  • An understanding of the Elements and Principles of art

The programme runs from Grade Prep through to Grade Six, with increasing opportunities to take part in extracurricular Visual Arts activities. These include-

  • Art Clubs
  • Recess and lunch time collaborative art-making

We promote an exciting and engaging curriculum, underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum and the PYP framework, which ensures students understand the key concepts, skills and knowledge in the Visual Arts programme. Throughout the year our units will make direct links to classroom inquiries, ensuring a contextualized opportunity for trans-disciplinary learning.

Within each year level, there is a progression of skill development from Foundation through to Grade Six, focusing on the following:


Development of our ability to create various art forms and basic fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Sculpture/structure
  • Collage
  • Mixed media

Students will develop their ability to draw on their surrounding environment and use their observational skills in order to inspire their artworks. They will experiment with a range of materials and techniques whilst creating the art forms through a range of inquiries.

Development of our ability to create various art forms and basic fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Three-dimensional art (structure)
  • Mixed media including an understanding in sustainable art
  • Collage

Students will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork in order to successfully achieve their goals. They will explore their ideas, observations and imaginations to express themselves creatively. Students will experiment with a range of materials and techniques whilst creating art forms through a range of inquiries.

Development of our ability to create various art forms and basic fine motor skills focusing on: 

  • Painting
  • Three-dimensional art (structure)
  • Sculpture
  • Collage
  • Drawing
  • Mixed media

Students will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork in order to successfully achieve their goals. They will develop their understanding of a range of art movements such as sustainable art practices and how this can be implemented in their art-making so they are able to express their ideas to an audience. They will explore their ideas, observations and imaginations in order to express themselves creatively. Students will experiment with a range of materials and techniques whilst creating art forms through a variety of inquiries.

Development of our ability to create various art forms and basic fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Watercolour painting
  • Acrylic painting
  • Paint manipulation
  • Drawing
  • Three-dimensional art (structure)
  • Collage
  • Mixed media

Students will continue to develop their ability to use a range of techniques and the visual arts conventions in order to challenge themselves. They will develop their understanding of a wide range of art movements and cultures and how this can be used to inspire their art-making. Students will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork to successfully achieve their goals.

Development of fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Painting techniques
  • Paint manipulation
  • Drawing
  • Three-dimensional artworks/Sculpting/Structure
  • Mixed media

Students will continue to develop their ability to use a range of techniques and the visual arts conventions in order to challenge themselves. They will develop their understanding of a wide range of art movements and cultures and how this can be used to inspire their art-making. Students will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork to successfully achieve their goals. They will continue to develop their ability to synthesise ideas in order to display their artworks and enhance their meaning.

Development of fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Drawing skills/ techniques
  • Sculpture/Structure
  • Paint manipulation
  • Painting techniques
  • Digital art
  • Three-dimensional and sustainable art
  • Collage/Design
  • Mixed media

Students will continue to develop their ability to use a range of techniques and the visual arts conventions in order to challenge themselves. They will develop their understanding of a wide range of art movements and cultures and how this can be used to inspire their art-making. Students will explore a range of platforms to make their art including digital platforms, photography and physical art forms. They will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork in order to successfully achieve their goals. Students will continue to develop their ability to synthesise ideas to display their artworks and enhance their meaning.

Development of fine motor skills focusing on:

  • Painting techniques
  • Paint manipulation
  • Digital art
  • Drawing techniques
  • Three-dimensional artworks
  • Exhibition Design
  • Collage/Design
  • Print Making
  • Synthesising and Mixed media

Students will continue to develop their ability to use a range of techniques and the visual arts conventions in order to challenge themselves. They will develop their understanding of a wide range of art movements and cultures and how this can be used to inspire their art-making. Students will explore a range of platforms to make their art including digital platforms, photography and physical art forms. They will develop their knowledge of the process of creating an artwork in order to successfully achieve their goals. Students will continue to develop their ability to synthesise ideas to display their artworks and enhance their meaning.

Physical Education

The Physical Education programme is filled with innovative ways to promote and encourage students to be active and engaged in their physical health and wellbeing. The Physical Education programme runs from Prep through to Grade Six, with an increasing variety of student opportunities to take part in extra-curricular sporting and physical activities. Some of these include-

  • Training sessions before, during and after school for District, Divisional, Regional and State Sports for Grade Three – Six Students (School Sport Victoria)
  • Swimming, Athletic and X-Country Carnivals
  • Lunch time sports and clubs including a variety of active activities

The PE programme also includes weekly swimming classes for Prep – Grade 6. We have an on-site Aquatic Centre where each child takes part in ability-based classes taught by trained educators from Kingswim.

We promote an engaging curriculum that is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum and the PYP, which ensures students understand and reflect the key concepts, skills and knowledge to be healthy, respectful and active citizens. Many of our units make direct links to classroom inquiries, ensuring a contextualised opportunity for trans-disciplinary learning.

Within each year level, there is a progression of skill development from Prep to Grade 6, which focuses on the following;


Exploration of locomotor movement through games, dance and gymnastics including safety and space. Students explore movement sequences within minor games and activities using a range of equipment. Fundamental motor skills are introduced to prepare students with the understanding and ability to perform a fundamental movement sequence in a variety of activities. Through the exploration of the fundamental motor skills, hand eye coordination is a major focus with and without equipment in individual, small and large group activities. Students will also explore how to work as part of a team. Through this, they will be learning how to take turns, share, and use positive words with each other.

Grade 1

Development of locomotor movement in game situations, dance and gymnastics. Students continue to develop hand eye coordination with and without equipment to further their skills through a variety of individual and team activities. Students continue to develop their fundamental motor skills to further prepare their ability to participate in larger sports such as target games, net games, invasion games, and striking and fielding games. Throughout the year, students will also explore how to be a positive team member. They will explore how to communicate effectively with others, share and begin to identify how strategy can help a team achieve success.

Grade 2

Further participation in active and minor games for continued development of hand eye coordination in fundamental motor skills and sequences. Introduction of a variety of athletic events to prepare students with the knowledge and technique to participate in school athletic carnivals in later years. Students will also explore the skills that are required to work effectively in teams of varying sizes. They will inquire into the importance of communication, strategising and good sportsmanship.

Grade 3
Students implement their movement sequences in a variety of activities and competitive sports including net games, striking and fielding games, skipping and numerous athletic events. With the guidance of teachers, students develop their ability to self-assess and set goals for continued improvement and progression.
Grade 4

Developing skills, strategies, techniques and tactics in a variety of individual and team sports such as Athletics, Net Sports, Invasion and Striking and Fielding games. Students also explore the importance of feedback and how it helps us improve. These sources of feedback include peer and teacher feedback and exploring how technology can help us improve through video analysis. Throughout the year, students also explore how to work effectively with others in a team. They focus on strategising, communication and identifying how they can modify a plan to include others.

Grades 5

Developing deeper understandings of skills, strategies and techniques within invasion, net sports and striking and fielding games including the opportunity to umpire and score. Students begin to identify game situations to reflect and respond effectively as a team to prepare for the transition towards interschool sports. Students develop a continued progression of technique and ability in all athletic events through the application of different sources of feedback and reflection tasks.

Grade 6

Further opportunity to develop deeper understandings of skills, strategies and techniques of invasion, net sports and striking and fielding games, including the opportunity to umpire and score. Students continue to identify game situations to reflect and respond effectively as a team for improved performance. Students continue to refine their technique within the different Athletic events, including exploring their ability to provide and apply different sources of feedback to improve.


Students at Kororoit Creek Primary School participate in French each week, learning the fundamentals of French with a focus on tactile experiences, action related talk and play, as well as technological integration. The French program is in line with the Victorian Curriculum and the PYP Framework, Students are also offered the opportunity to extend their French speaking skills through French Club. We aim to give students an understanding of the principles of French language including a diverse vocabulary, grammar, authentic speaking practice in stories and games.


Students work on learning the fundamental principles of language, as well as building an understanding of the importance of diverse cultures and languages. They have been working on skills such as how to introduce themselves and express how they are feeling, primary and secondary colours, as well as the alphabet in French.

Grade 1
  • Students begin to interact with one another in French through stories and music, for example learning “L’arc-en-ciel” (the rainbow song) and “La vieille dame qui avala une mouche” (The old lady who swallowed a fly).
  • Students learn about adjectives and how to use them in order to describe an object. They have been working on sizes, colours, textures and shapes.
Grade 2
  • Students broaden their understanding of French cultures around the globe by researching climates and the clothing worn by people in different countries
  • They interact with one another by playing number games and using polite forms of asking questions to one another.
  • They practice their pronunciation through French poems and songs such as “Petit poisson” (Little fish).
Grade 3
  • Students explore their personal world by talking to their class about their families, other spoken languages and backgrounds and increase their cultural knowledge by comparing and relating to the lifestyles of others in their class. They created a family book that they can read through in their classroom library.
  • Students are practicing their French composition skills by writing in a true context such as learning how to write a French recipe. They also continue to focus on building their vocabulary knowledge. Students model sentences, as well as creating their own content.
Grade 4
  • Students build on the skills learned in year three by expanding their knowledge of the celebrations and routines of the families and how our concept of family can change from one person to another.
  • Students describe their hobbies as well as their loved ones in a letter that is sent to a penpal in another Australian school that studies French as a LOTE. They are able to tell them about their lives and families to increase their compositional abilities and cultural understanding.
  • Students further their compositional skills through experiences such as designing their own dream house and describing their rooms using adjectives.
Grade 5
  • Students apply their French knowledge in real world situations through experiences such as creating their own French travel brochure and are researching different kinds of activities and sights they would want to see in a specific French speaking country.
  • Students create their own personal profiles pretending they are a Worldwide famous actor, singer, soccer player etc., that includes information about themselves, their families, and the different journeys they have taken in order to become a celebrity.
Grade 6
  • Students develop a broader understanding of the influence of French culture by exploring topics in the area of art, cuisine, music and sport.
  • Students are tasked with creating a conversation between themselves and a classmate about their thoughts in relation to the above topics and present them to the class.
  • Students also explore more complex concepts within French grammar such as how to conjugate a variety of verbs and apply them to sentences in the present tense.

In addition to classroom learning, students in Grade 4, 5 and 6 have access to the dedicated learning application “Education Perfect” which can be accessed on their iPads at home or at school to increase their understanding of French grammar rules and support the development of their vocabulary.

Sustainability Project


The Kororoit Creek Primary School Green Team is a team of dedicated students who are working together to reduce our environmental footprint by implementing sustainable practices within our school. Our current initiatives include-


Co-mingle Recycling @ KCPS

Recycling is one of the easiest things you can do to help the environment! Co-mingle recycling is the separation of waste into two categories, general waste and recyclables. Having co-mingle bins in our classroom allow us to decrease the amount of waste we produce as a school, and learn about items that can be recycled and reused. Co-mingle recycling allows us to divert waste from landfill sites and conserve valuable resources and energy.


Nude Food Day

NUDE FOOD day is a chance for our students to realise what they can do for their health and the health of the planet. An event like this can give us all at KCPS a taste of the benefits, ease and fun involved in packing a healthy, wrapper free lunch. We are so excited to see the impact that NUDE FOOD lunches will have on building healthy bodies a healthy school environment at Kororoit Creek Primary School! If you want to learn more about NUDE FOOD day, you could ask one of our friendly Green Team Captains, or visit for lots of fun learning tools and ideas!


Gardening Club and Produce Stalls

Our KCPS garden is filled with lots of seasonal vegetables and herbs. Our fabulous KCPS kids tend to our garden during the weekly gardening club where they plant, water and harvest vegetables. Our Produce Stalls allow the Green Team Captains an opportunity to sell the garden produce, as well as develop planning, organization and money handling knowledge and skills. We love seeing the smiling faces of our families and friends as they head home with a handful of fresh, organic produce.


The Big Battery Rescue

The Big Battery Rescue is a national battery recycling challenge that KCPS is very excited to be a part of. Did you know that in Australia each year over 300 million household batteries are thrown away with ordinary waste? Less than 3% are recycled, meaning that a staggering 14,000 tonnes of batteries end up in landfill. We are trying to change these statistics by recycling as many batteries as possible. Every classroom is equipped with a recycling kit that encourages students and their families to collect old batteries to be recycled. We love knowing that we are helping save the environment one battery at a time!


National Tree Planting Day

National Tree Day is an opportunity for us to give back to our environment by planting trees to generate habitats for native wildlife, improve air quality and conserve water. The Green Team Captains learn about and educate our school community about the importance of trees in our environment and how we can care for our ecosystem. Did you know? National Tree Day is the largest community tree planting event in Australia!