

School Photos

Our annual school photos of class groups and individual portrait photos will be taken at Kororoit Creek Primary School by Arthur Reed Photos on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 February, 2024.

Sibling photos will be taken on Monday 25 March, 2024.

There is no need to return any forms or money to school.

Families can register online to view images when they become available in the webshop.
Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer and remember to add the codes for all your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2024 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.

Once registered, please wait for notification that 2024 images are online to view before making your purchase.


Weekly Year Level Updates

Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Prep Families, 

The students have had a wonderful start to Term 3. It has been great to settle back into routines and continue on our learning journey together. 


In reading, the students have been making text-to-self connections. This involves the students thinking about the text and connecting it to something in their lives that it reminds them of. Some examples of text-to-self connections are feelings/emotions that the character experienced, places characters have been, problems the character have experienced and connecting to themselves. Parents can continue supporting their children at home with reading by ensuring daily reading is completed every day and asking what the text reminds them of. 


In writing, the students have been learning about different ways of communicating. This week, students were using pictures to sequence and write about events ensuring they were creating a narrative writing piece.  Parents can continue helping their children with writing at home by having them record through drawing and writing any events that may happen in their day, allowing them the opportunity to segment and blend (sounding out) the letters on their own. 


In numeracy, the students have been using efficient counting strategies. They have been gathering a collection of objects and organising them in different ways to help them count the number quickly. Parents can support their children in developing efficient counting strategies by gathering a collection of items and asking them how they can be organised to be counted quickly. Students may use skip-counting strategies or known facts to support their count. 

Unit of Inquiry 

This term we are inquiring into the new unit “How we express ourselves’. The students had the opportunity this week to visit stations within the prep neighbourhood that allowed them to experiment with varying forms of communication. Some of these stations included puppets, masks, wooden characters, role play/dress-ups, story stones and drawing. The students loved communicating with each other in different ways. 


This week the students will have received a new homework grid. The grid has a specified reading task, writing task and numeracy task. There will also sometimes be tasks linked to our unit of inquiry. Students are expected to complete all 3 tasks in their homework book where possible and then bring their homework books to school on the Friday to ensure classroom teachers have sufficient time to mark and hand back on the Monday. The 100 days project is not due until Wednesday 31st. Please hand in the project on this day. 


100 Days of School 

A reminder that 100 days of school is just around the corner. On Thursday the 1st of August, students will participate in various activities to celebrate the achievement. Your child is also encouraged to dress 100 years old or 100 years into the future. We will hold a morning parade where parents are welcome to attend. The parade will commence at 9:00am in the gym. 


Prep Team


Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Grade One families,

In Reading, students have been continuing to make text-to-self connections. They are identifying how meaningful connections deepen their understanding of the text. 

In Writing, students have been drafting texts to explain how people’s lives have changed from the past to the present. 

In numeracy, students have represented how many tens and ones are in 2-digit numbers using a variety of materials.

In the Unit of Inquiry, students are finding out how people’s lives have changed over time. Students have been investigating their wonderings through a variety of resources such as videos, images and books. 

Kind Regards,

Natalie (H10), Jasmine (H11), Abbey (H12), Ana (H13), Renee (H14), Amanda (H15), Laura (H15) and Jade (H16)

Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Grade Two Families,

What a wonderful week we have had! It was great to see so many students dressed in country colours, supporting the commencement of the 2024 Olympic Games. We look forward to tuning into the Olympic games in the upcoming weeks, linking it back to our learning.

In reading, students have explored a variety of fiction texts and have continued to ask and answer literal questions. They have been successful by searching for the right-there answers that are directly stated in the text.

In writing, students have continued to study explanation texts and the use of text features to improve their work. In specific, students have explored the inclusion of verbs and the addition of sequenced words to support them in writing in a logical order.

In numeracy, students have engaged in a new unit of measurement – length. Students were required to practise measuring length accurately. They estimated, measured and compared the length of objects using both informal and formal units of measurement.

It was a really exciting week for the Grade Twos as they entered the finding out stage and participated in an incursion ‘Wicked Weather’. They learned all about the weather and different climates and how it influences living things. Students also engaged in many experiments that showed them how the water cycle works.

A few reminders:

  • As we begin the new term, please remember that students are expected to complete and return their weekly homework and at home reading satchels every Friday.
  • In Week 3, an information session will be held for the Grade Two day Camp. This will take place on Webex on Wednesday 31st of August at 4:30pm.
  • Kororoit Creek Primary School has a uniform policy, stating that the wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The uniform must be worn correctly without fashion accessories or enhancements (including leggings under dresses) every day. Please make sure that every item of clothing is named. Please note that plain black school shoes should be worn with the uniform. Uniforms can be purchased directly from the supplier – Primary School Wear Deer Park, 51-53 Westwood Drive.


Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Grade 3 Families, 


Grade 3 Protective Behaviours every fortnight, learning how to be safe 

Walking Excursion Week 3, Kororoit Creek 

Homework started this week, due on Fridays 


Students continue to explore time on analogue clocks, using the features of a clock to tell time. Students have begun to use their knowledge and skills to solve problems including time to work out the duration. 


Our reading sessions this week have focused on making meaningful connections between text and self, understanding how it relates to others, world and self to develop an in-depth understanding. 

Unit of inquiry: 

Students have delved into learning about 65,000 years of Indigenous Australian inventions, landscapes, recorded events, navigation tools and the structure of societies via documentaries.


The Grade Three Team

Bianca, Anne, Giorgia, Jamila, Jayde, Kafa, Yasemin and Sam


Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Families,

We hope you have had a fantastic week. The grade 4s certainly have!

In reading, we have continued to delve into exploring how precise and purposeful word choice supports us, as readers, to create rich visualisation. We have been transferring this knowledge to our own writing, concentrating on how we are able to engage our audience by thoughtfully considering the language we use. In numeracy, we have continued to think flexibly with numbers and build our understandings and problem-solving skills involving multiplicative thinking. 

During unit of inquiry, we have started to explore the lines of inquiry to deepen and challenge our knowledge.  

Upcoming events/dates to remember:

  • Swimming has commenced for the Grade 4’s. Please ensure your child brings their swimming gear on their allocated day. A reminder that if your child will not be swimming, a note must be sent to school. 
  • Photo permission notes need to be returned to the classroom teacher by Friday, 9th of August.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

The Year 4 Team 

Clayton (H32), Ashlee and Escher (H33), Gabriel (H44), Deanna (H45), Dharma (H36), Beth (H37), Krystal (H38) and Chloe and Romy (H39)

Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear Grade 5 families,

The Grade 5 students have been actively engaging with our Unit of Inquiry, “Where We Are In Place and Time,” with a focus on “Migration has wide ranging effects.” They have delved into the reasons behind migration and learned relevant vocabulary. Additionally, they participated in an incursion that explored various immigration journeys in Australian history.

In Literacy, students have been examining different perspectives and understanding their impact as readers. They applied this to real-world contexts, such as the displacement of people to accommodate the Olympics in Paris, exploring the various viewpoints on this issue.

In Mathematics, students have continued their exploration of fractions by estimating, representing, and comparing them. They have enjoyed playing games and experimenting with finding equivalent fractions with common denominators.

A few friendly reminders:

  • Swimming forms are due before your child’s swimming session
  • Camp full payment is due on the 1st of August
  • Gates open at 8:30. Please ensure that students arrive at this time as this is when active supervision occurs. We appreciate your help with this. 

Have a lovely and restful weekend!
Grade 5 Team


Specialist Term 3 Week 3

Dear families,

We’ve had another exciting week in Grade 6!

In literacy this week, students have been reflecting on what we have learnt throughout our unit of inquiry: How We Organise Ourselves & Where We Are In Place and Time. They have considered what they are still wondering about and inquired into these areas. Students are also writing texts to explain how or why an event occurs. 

In numeracy this week, we are continuing to learn about location and transformation by exploring the different ways shapes can be transformed but remain congruent. Students have been investigating the concepts of reflection, rotation and translation of shape within a coordinate plane.  


  • Bring back high school acceptance forms as soon as possible. 
  • Swimming has started again this term, please remind students to bring their swimming gear on their allocated days. 

Monday: H57, H48, H49, H51, H58

Wednesday: H52, H50, H53

Have a wonderful weekend.

From the Year 6 Team
Daniel, Simon, Mel, Sarah, Shannon, Shana, Bernadette, Elyse, Lauren and Bryoni


Medication Authority Form

This form MUST be completed if a child is to be given medication at school.

Medication Authority Form

Note: Wherever possible, medication should be scheduled outside of school hours, eg. medication required three times a day is generally not required during a school day: It can be taken before and after school and before bed.

Kingswim Induction

KCPS Kingswim Induction


Kororoit Creek Primary School has a uniform policy, stating that the wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The uniform must be worn correctly without fashion accessories or enhancements (including leggings under dresses) every day. Please make sure that every item of clothing is named. Please note that plain black school shoes should be worn with the uniform (no colours). Summer uniform terms 1 and 4 and winter uniform terms 2 and 3. (Exception will be made for extreme weather conditions). Summer dresses are not suitable for winter and should not be worn with skivvies or tights underneath as winter uniform. Uniforms can be purchased directly from the supplier – Primary School Wear, 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall 3023.

Uniform Policy 2022

KCPS Uniform Collection

School Uniform Price List 2023

Disability Inclusion


Kororoit Creek Primary School is excited to introduce Disability Inclusion, a new approach to help us improve support for students with disability and build a more inclusive school for all our students.

Inclusive schools have better outcomes in learning, engagement and wellbeing for all students.

Disability Inclusion will help our school better understand what our students need to help them learn, through:

  •   a new funding model with more investment
  •   a new strength-based process called the Disability Inclusion Profile to help identify the student’s needs and required adjustments
  •   more training and coaching for teachers and school staff about the best ways to support student learning.


A new funding model with more investment

The new funding model provides additional investment that our school can use to support many students including those with autism, learning difficulties and more.

This additional investment will provide more support for students with disability, including students who haven’t been eligible for individual funding through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) in the past.

Our school can use this funding for a range of activities including

  •   more training and professional development for teachers and school staff
  •   getting expert advice about disability
  •   hiring teachers or other staff to help plan and deliver changes for students
  •   equipment and resources to support learning.


The Disability Inclusion Profile

The Disability Inclusion Profile will help us find out more about your child’s strengths and needs. It will inform personalised funding allocations, help us plan student learning and any changes a student may need to better learn.

The new Disability Inclusion Profile process will replace the Educational Needs Questionnaire used as a part of the current PSD.Disability Inclusion img 300x282

As we transition over the next three years, families of students who are part of the PSD will be asked to attend a meeting to complete a Disability Inclusion Profile.

People who know your child will be involved in the meeting, along with an independent, trained facilitator who will help our school and families complete the profile.

If your child is part of the PSD, we will work with you to find the most suitable time to complete their profile.

The profile will also be available to a broad group of students with high needs.

We will identify students who are not currently part of the PSD, who may benefit from a Disability Inclusion Profile. If we consider that your child’s education will benefit from having a profile, we will contact you.


More training and coaching for teachers and school staff

Disability Inclusion will give more teachers and support staff a better understanding of disability and how to respond. This could include access to:

  •   more professionals in schools who are experts in disability
  •   coaching
  •   professional learning
  •   evidence-based guidance and resources
  •   scholarships.


More information

Visit to find out more about Disability Inclusion.


Further Resources

Disability Inclusion Information Session, recorded on the 20th November 2023 

Disability Inclusion presentation slides

Diverse Learners Hub

Student Voice Toolkit

Tools to support student voice in a Disability Profile meeting

Frequently Asked Questions

Dates to Remember 2024

  • 01 August – 100 days of Prep Celebration
  • 02 August – Victorian State Flag Football Tournament
  • 05 August – Assembly at 9.00am. Grades 4-6 in the Gym
  • 05 August – Grade 3 Police Visit
  • 06 – 08 August – Australian Maths Competition – Years 3-6
  • 07 August – District Athletics (Selected Students)
  • 12 – 14 August – Grade 5 Camp – H40, H41, H46, & H47
  • 14 – 16 August – Grade 5 Camp – H42, H43, H44 & H45
  • 19 August – Assembly at 9.00am. Prep-3 in the Gym
  • 19 – 23 August – Book Week
  • 21 August – Book Week Parade
  • 30 August – Curriculum Day. Students do not attend school
  • 2 September – Assembly at 9.00am. Grades 4-6 in the Gym
  • 20 September – Last day of Term 3


2024 Curriculum Days

(Students are not required to attend school on these days)

Monday 29 January
Friday 26th April
Friday 30th August
Monday 4th November


2024 Term Dates

Term 1     30/01/2024 – 28/03/2024 (Years 1-6)

09/02/2024 – 28/03/2024 (Prep)

Term 2     15/04/2024 – 28/06/2024

Term 3     15/07/2024 – 20/09/2024

Term 4     07/10/2024 – 20/12/2024


2024 Camping Program

Year 2 Day Camp

Year 3 Sleepover

Year 4 Camp – Camp Wyuna  21-23 & 23-25 October

Year 5 Camp – Lake Dewar Myrniong  12-14 & 14-16 August

Grade 5 Camp Information Session

Year 6 Camp – Lord Somers  25-27 November