

School Photos

Our annual school photos of class groups and individual portrait photos were taken at Kororoit Creek Primary School by Arthur Reed Photos on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 February, 2024.

Sibling photos were taken on Monday 25 March, 2024.

There is no need to return any forms or money to school.

Families can register online to view images when they become available in the webshop.
Registration is simple, just follow the 3 simple steps on your child’s personalised flyer and remember to add the codes for all your children attending this school.
Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do again this year using your child’s 2024 image code to link their images for the current year with your contact details.
When images are ready to view and in the webshop, all parents who have registered will be notified by SMS and email.

Once registered, please wait for notification that 2024 images are online to view before making your purchase.



Weekly Year Level Updates

Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear Prep Parents,

It’s been an exciting week of learning and fun for our Prep students! Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve been up to:

Our young writers have been hard at work writing letters, focusing on convincing others of their point of view. They’ve been learning to express their thoughts clearly and use persuasive language. We’ve been choosing important topics and favourite things to demonstrate how letters can be a way of sharing ideas and opinions. To further support your child in becoming a confident writer, we encourage practice at home by having them write about their favourite part of the day and explain why it was the best.

In reading, we’ve been exploring fiction texts, paying close attention to features such as characters, settings, storylines, and speech or thought bubbles. The students are enjoying discovering new stories while building their comprehension skills. We recommend consistent reading at home to further develop fluency and comprehension. You can support your child by letting them read to you and then asking questions like: “What happened in this story?”, “Why do you think the character feels this way?”, “What do you think will happen next?”, or “What text features do you notice on this page?”

This week in numeracy, we’ve been focusing on efficient counting. The students have been practising skip counting and developing multiplicative thinking to improve their number sense. We’ve been creating equal groups to help with counting larger quantities of items. At home, parents can support by encouraging their child to create equal groups and practice skip counting accurately. A good starting point for Preps is grouping items in 2s, 5s, or 10s.

Unit of Inquiry:
We’ve kicked off Term 4 with a new Unit of Inquiry, How We Organise Ourselves, focusing on transportation. The students are excited to learn how different transportation systems work and how they impact our daily lives. We’re looking forward to the learning opportunities ahead and making real-world connections.


  • Prep-Year 2 Athletics Day: What a fantastic day! The sun was shining, and the students had so much fun trying different activities and giving their best effort.
  • Colour Run: Postponed – keep an eye out on a future date

We look forward to another wonderful week ahead!


Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear families,

The Grade Ones have had an incredibly busy week this week full of learning and being active. It was fantastic to see the efforts of the students during the athletics day and sportsmanship when they were cheering on their peers. We hope parents who were able to come watch their children enjoyed the day.

In Reading this week, the Grade Ones continued exploring how to use visuals and dialogue in texts to help students infer character feelings and motives.

In Writing, students are revising and editing their information report to improve their word choice, punctuation and sentence fluency.

In Numeracy, the Grade Ones are continuing to practise developing their multiplicative thinking through sharing groups, developing problem-solving skills and proving their thinking using materials and drawings.

In inquiry, students are sharing their learning by planning and creating a diorama based on the animal or plant they researched during the “finding out” stage of our inquiry cycle. Students have carefully planned their diorama, thinking about the materials they will use and how they will demonstrate their understanding of how their living thing is connected to its habitat.


  • The Grade One Disco will be held on the 24th of October! The theme is glow in the dark. Please ensure your child is wearing white or fluro! We will also be having a pizza dinner. It will start at 4:30pm and end at 6:30pm. Please also check you have consented and paid for the event on Compass. Today is the last day for payment.
  • As we are now in Spring, students need to have their hats worn at lunch, recess and PE. If you need a new hat, you can purchase one from the office for $10.

Kind Regards,

Nat, Jasmine, Abbey, Ana, Renee, Amanda, Laura and Jade

Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear Grade Two Families,

What a fun-filled week we have had!

The students had an incredible time at their first P-2 Athletics Day! It was heartwarming to see them collaborating with peers they wouldn’t usually, communicating effectively as teams, and cheering one another on. Each student gave their all in every activity, and they’re already eagerly looking forward to next year’s event!

The Colour Run was postponed… keep an eye out on the future date.

This week in Reading, students have completed their predictions unit. They’ve been honing their skills in making meaningful predictions by using a variety of clues from the text. By analysing pictures and headings, exploring text features like tables of contents and diagrams, understanding the structure of narratives versus non-fiction, tapping into their prior knowledge of the topic or author, and making personal connections, they’re becoming more skilled at discussing what comes next.

This week in writing, we have continued learning about writing to recount taking into account the sequence of the events, adding in emotive language and considering the structure of their text. This week they have had an explicit focus on being reflective writings who can change their writing through the revising stage of the writing process and identifying important parts of their recount to make sound more explosive.

In Numeracy this week, students further enhanced their understanding of 2D shapes with a focus on transformations. They explored flipping, rotating, and sliding shapes, discovering that while the orientation changes, the shapes themselves remain unchanged—or can sometimes appear the same. This hands-on experience allowed them to grasp the concept of transformations in a fun and engaging way!

This week in Inquiry, we delved into the concept of ethics, discussing the distinctions between right and wrong and how these ideas influence significant individuals, events, and places in their research. The students are eager to take action next week, inspired by everything they’ve learned throughout this unit!

A few reminders:

  • Homework is in full swing, please ensure your child is completing their homework during the week and returning their homework on Fridays.
  • As the weather becomes warmer, please check with your child they have a hat at school and are wearing it as well as coming to school prepared with a water bottle, wearing sunscreen and appropriate clothing.
  • 4th of November – Curriculum day, no school for kids.
  • 5th of November – Melbourne Cup Day, no school for kids.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

From Cassie, Rebekah, Monique, Emily, Eleanor, Taylah and Preet.


Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Hello Grade 3 Families,

We hope you’re having a great week! Here’s what we’ve been working on in Week 3:

Numeracy: This is the final week of financial mathematics. Students have been sharpening their skills in making estimations, rounding, and converting between cents and dollars, wrapping up this important topic in practical ways.

Literacy: Our Grade 3 students continue to work on synthesising texts by identifying key ideas and drawing conclusions. In writing, they’re further developing their use of persuasive devices, focusing on creating engaging, purposeful language as they move through the writing cycle for their persuasive texts.

Unit of Inquiry: We are now in the sorting out phase of our inquiry into how human activity impacts Earth’s resources. Students are beginning to organize their findings and deepen their understanding as they process the information they’ve gathered.

Request for Materials: As part of our upcoming activities, we kindly ask that you send in empty shoe boxes and empty plastic water bottles with your child. These will be used for hands-on projects related to our Unit of Inquiry.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to get in touch.

Warm regards,

The Grade Three Team
Bianca, Anne, Giorgia, Jamila, Jayde, Kafa, Yasemin, and Sam

Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear Families,

We’re off to a great start in Term 4! The students have settled back into the rhythm of school life, and we’re already seeing some fantastic learning happening.

In Reading, we are consolidating our questioning skills. Students are practising how to ask meaningful questions that deepen their understanding of texts.

In Writing, we are moving into the publishing phase of our historical narratives. After planning and drafting, the students are now refining their stories, adding creative and historical details to bring them to life.

In Numeracy, we’ve been working with more complex fractions. The students are learning to identify, compare, and represent fractions in different ways, engaging in worded problems to strengthen their understanding.

Everyone is especially excited for camp next week, and we can’t wait for the fun and learning opportunities it will bring!

Key Dates:

Monday 21st – Wednesday 23rd October – Camp Group 1 (H32, H34, H35, H39)

Wednesday 23rd – Friday 25th October – Camp Group 2 (H33, H36, H37, H38)

Kind Regards,

The Year 4 Team

Clayton (H32), Ashlee and Escher (H33), Gabriel (H44), Deanna (H45), Dharma (H36), Beth (H37), Krystal (H38) and Chloe and Romy (H39)


Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear Grade 5 Families,

We highly encourage students to protect themselves by being SunSmart. As the saying goes, ‘Slip, slop, slap’! Hats are also available at the office to purchase, if they require a new one.

In Inquiry, as the unit is about to end, students have been showing great enthusiasm in the reflecting and acting stage of the cycle. Students are bringing their learning together and investigating in their big question. They are working hard to gather, organise and share their information effectively and working on their time management skills in order to complete their investigation.

In reading, as it nears the end of the school year, students have been revising the readers workshop model to understand our roles and responsibilities. Students have also been making thoughtful predictions and revising them as they gather new evidence within their texts.

In numeracy, our mathematicians are continuing to solve worded problems using their knowledge of addition and multiplication, applying the most effective strategy and explaining their thinking.

Some friendly reminders:

  • A reminder that all students must have a school hat to wear during Lunch, Recess and PE
  • Fizzics Incursion on 21/10 and 24/10.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Grade 5 team.

Specialist Newsletter Term 4 Week 3

Dear Families,

This week the grade 6 students are preparing themselves for our upcoming exhibition showcase! They are getting creative with ways to present all of their wonderful learning from the past term.

In Numeracy, students engaged in problem-solving activities involving percentages, decimals, and fractions, primarily calculating percentages of quantities and percentage discounts.

Thank you to all those who donated to our colour run. It was postponed but keep an eye out for the new date!


  • Camp medical forms due TODAY!
    Students have also been given printouts with a QR code.
  • Exhibition showcase: Week 4, evening session will be Wednesday the 30th from 4:30pm-5:45pm

From the Year 6 Team

Daniel, Simon, Mel, Sarah, Shannon, Shana, Bernadette, Elyse, Lauren and Bryoni

Medication Authority Form

This form MUST be completed if a child is to be given medication at school.

Medication Authority Form

Note: Wherever possible, medication should be scheduled outside of school hours, eg. medication required three times a day is generally not required during a school day: It can be taken before and after school and before bed.

Kingswim Induction

KCPS Kingswim Induction


Kororoit Creek Primary School has a uniform policy, stating that the wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The uniform must be worn correctly without fashion accessories or enhancements (including leggings under dresses) every day. Please make sure that every item of clothing is named. Please note that plain black school shoes should be worn with the uniform (no colours). Summer uniform terms 1 and 4 and winter uniform terms 2 and 3. (Exception will be made for extreme weather conditions). Summer dresses are not suitable for winter and should not be worn with skivvies or tights underneath as winter uniform. Uniforms can be purchased directly from the supplier – Primary School Wear, 2/51-53 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall 3023.

Uniform Policy 2022

KCPS Uniform Collection

School Uniform Price List 2023

Disability Inclusion


Kororoit Creek Primary School is excited to introduce Disability Inclusion, a new approach to help us improve support for students with disability and build a more inclusive school for all our students.

Inclusive schools have better outcomes in learning, engagement and wellbeing for all students.

Disability Inclusion will help our school better understand what our students need to help them learn, through:

  •   a new funding model with more investment
  •   a new strength-based process called the Disability Inclusion Profile to help identify the student’s needs and required adjustments
  •   more training and coaching for teachers and school staff about the best ways to support student learning.


A new funding model with more investment

The new funding model provides additional investment that our school can use to support many students including those with autism, learning difficulties and more.

This additional investment will provide more support for students with disability, including students who haven’t been eligible for individual funding through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) in the past.

Our school can use this funding for a range of activities including

  •   more training and professional development for teachers and school staff
  •   getting expert advice about disability
  •   hiring teachers or other staff to help plan and deliver changes for students
  •   equipment and resources to support learning.


The Disability Inclusion Profile

The Disability Inclusion Profile will help us find out more about your child’s strengths and needs. It will inform personalised funding allocations, help us plan student learning and any changes a student may need to better learn.

The new Disability Inclusion Profile process will replace the Educational Needs Questionnaire used as a part of the current PSD.Disability Inclusion img 300x282

As we transition over the next three years, families of students who are part of the PSD will be asked to attend a meeting to complete a Disability Inclusion Profile.

People who know your child will be involved in the meeting, along with an independent, trained facilitator who will help our school and families complete the profile.

If your child is part of the PSD, we will work with you to find the most suitable time to complete their profile.

The profile will also be available to a broad group of students with high needs.

We will identify students who are not currently part of the PSD, who may benefit from a Disability Inclusion Profile. If we consider that your child’s education will benefit from having a profile, we will contact you.


More training and coaching for teachers and school staff

Disability Inclusion will give more teachers and support staff a better understanding of disability and how to respond. This could include access to:

  •   more professionals in schools who are experts in disability
  •   coaching
  •   professional learning
  •   evidence-based guidance and resources
  •   scholarships.


More information

Visit to find out more about Disability Inclusion.


Further Resources

Disability Inclusion Information Session, recorded on the 20th November 2023 

Disability Inclusion presentation slides

Diverse Learners Hub

Student Voice Toolkit

Tools to support student voice in a Disability Profile meeting

Frequently Asked Questions

Dates to Remember 2024

  • 21-23 October – Grade 4 Camp (H32, H34, H35 & H39)
  • 23 October – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 24 October – Year 5 Fizzics Incursion
  • 24 October – Year One Disco
  • 24 October – H40 AIA Reward – Class Party
  • 23-25 October – Grade 4 Camp (H33, H36, H37 & H38)
  • 28 October – Assembly 9am. Prep – 3 in the gym
  • 30 October – Prep Transition
  • 31 October – Colour Run NEW DATE
  • 01 November – Prep Breakfast
  • 04 November – Curriculum Day (student-free day)
  • 05 November – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
  • 06 November – Prep Transition
  • 06 November – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 07 November – Maths Challenge Games Day (selected students)
  • 11 November – Assembly 9am. Years 4 – 6 in the gym
  • 13 November – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 13 November – Prep Transition
  • 20 November – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 25 November – Assembly 9am. Prep – 3 in the gym
  • 25 November – 2025 Prep Parent Morning Tea
  • 25-27 November – Year 6 Camp
  • 27 November – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 04 December – Lead The Way – Dog Therapy
  • 09 December – Assembly 9am. Years 4 – 6 in the gym
  • 20 December – Last Day of Term 4

2024 Curriculum Days

(Students are not required to attend school on these days)

Monday 29 January
Friday 26th April
Friday 30th August
Monday 4th November


2024 Term Dates

Term 1     30/01/2024 – 28/03/2024 (Years 1-6)

09/02/2024 – 28/03/2024 (Prep)

Term 2     15/04/2024 – 28/06/2024

Term 3     15/07/2024 – 20/09/2024

Term 4     07/10/2024 – 20/12/2024

2025 Term Dates

Term 1     29/01/2025 – 04/04/2025 (Years 1-6)

03/02/2025 – 04/04/2025 (Prep)

Term 2     22/04/2025 – 04/07/2025

Term 3     21/07/2025 – 19/09/2025

Term 4     06/10/2025 – 19/12/2025

2024 Camping Program

Year 2 Day Camp – Lady Northcote Discovery Camp 11 October

Year 2 Day Camp Information Session

Year 3 Sleepover – 10 October

Year 4 Camp – Camp Wyuna  21-23 & 23-25 October

Grade 4 Camp 2024 Information Presentation

Year 5 Camp – Lake Dewar Myrniong  12-14 & 14-16 August

Year 5 Camp Information Session

Year 6 Camp – Lord Somers  25-27 November

Year 6 Camp Information Session