Extra Curricular

Student Leadership 2024

School Captains: Rafael & Eleora

SRC Captains: Cienna & Apeksha

Sport Captains: Nadia & Jack

Music Captains: Izaak & Viraj

Art Captains: Ruby & Mila

French Captains: Tiya, Karaj & Siddhi

Environment Captains: Isaac H & Ava

House Captains

Cuthbert (Green): Alison & Sanjana

Goldstein (Blue): Tiasha & Cooper

Leichhardt (Yellow): Noah & Maya

Batman (Red): Tasha & Yajas

Attributes in Action

Attributes in Action 

Attributes in Action (AiA) is a program implemented to support students’ understanding about their emotional and social learning. It is connected to the Learner Profile Attributes of the PYP, and supports students in demonstrating these key skills and attitudes throughout learning and within the school yard. AiA is a tool to teach and develop skills to support students in dealing with change, challenges and uncomfortable situations as well as notice and encourage positive actions within themselves and others.


How does AiA work? 

When students are demonstrating positive behaviours connected to their learning and actions, the teacher and/or students can award an AiA card. This card is worth five points. As students continue to earn more points, they can purchase rewards. These rewards are developed by students, and revisited throughout each year to ensure they are an exciting goal for students to work towards. Students can choose if they would like to contribute to whole class rewards or save their points for an individual reward.


AiA Behaviour Matrix

Our AiA Behaviour Matrix has been updated and simplified and now includes some visual prompts, thanks to our very talented Giorgia Chapman. The matrix sits under three main ideas: that all children at KCPS have the Right to Belong, the Right to be Safe, and the Right to Learn. Teachers will unpack these ideas with students, and the matrix will displayed across the school as students become more familiar with the language and purpose of our matrix.

Swimming Program


Kororoit Creek Primary School has partnered with Kingswim in order to offer an on-site swimming program. It is part of the physical education and sports curriculum for every child (it is not an optional program). This program provides two terms of 8 swimming lessons each year, on a ratio of six or seven students to each qualified instructor. One-piece navy bathers are required for the program and may be purchased from Kingswim or any local suppliers.

Physical Education

Extra-Curricular Sporting Opportunities

Each year, students in Grades 3-6 have the opportunity to be selected for the Kororoit Creek Primary School Athletics, Swimming and X-Country teams. The selections for these teams take place at their respective 3-6 Sport Carnivals throughout the year. Students who are selected for these teams will be provided with the opportunity to train and then compete in School Sport Victoria competitions throughout the year. Students in Grade 6 are also provided with the opportunity to try out for and represent Kororoit Creek Primary School in various team sports such as AFL, Cricket, Netball, Basketball and Soccer. These teams will compete in different School Sport Victoria events throughout the school year.

Team Victoria SSV Trials

At the beginning of each school year, School Sports Victoria provide Team Victoria U12 trials for a variety of sports including Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, AFL, Basketball, Golf, Athletics and much more. Parents can nominate their child for these trials which will then go through the school. School Sports Victoria highly recommend that students of the highest level nominate for these trials in their chosen sport.

If you are interested in nominating your child you can find more information/ the application link here: https://www.ssv.vic.edu.au/team-vic


Vocal Ensemble

The vocal ensemble is a group of students that spend time singing songs together. There is an emphasis on singing for enjoyment where students get to choose songs that they would like to sing that are school appropriate. The vocal ensemble practises every Tuesday lunchtime and uses this time to prepare for various performances around the school.

Grade 6 Band

The Grade Six band is made up of students from Grade Six that have shown exemplary skills and knowledge on a particular instrument. The band rehearses every Thursday at lunchtime. This time is spent learning songs from different genres and preparing for performances around the school.

Guitar Ensemble

The Guitar Ensemble consists of students from Grades 3-6 who have shown a particular interest in furthering their skills on guitar. Students spend every Wednesday lunchtime developing and practising multi-part songs in order to prepare them for upcoming performances within the school community.

Performance Practise

The music portable is open during Thursday lunch time for students to come in and practise an instrument. This time is dedicated to individual and focussed practice where students may want to spend time playing pieces and songs that they have learnt at home or during private music lessons.

Walking School Bus

Kororoit Creek Primary School, in partnership with the City of Melton, operates a Walking School Bus to promote active transport and to assist children to walk safely to and from school. The Walking School Bus is a bus that is powered by legs and is made up of two alternating staff members and up to 16 children. The bus walks along a set route picking up children at designated bus stops along the way.

The aims of the Walking School Bus Program are to:

  • Increase the number of children walking to and from school in a safe, supervised and enjoyable manner
  • Reduce car trips, traffic problems and pollution around school
  • Promote traffic awareness and road safety amongst children and participants
  • Raise the awareness of health and well-being and promote physical activity among children and families
  • Strengthen communities within the municipality, and in particular within our school community

If your child is interested in participating with the Walking School Bus, please download and complete the following consent form and hand it in at the school office. Your child’s place on the bus will confirmed by a telephone call to you from one of our staff members.